Sunday, January 6, 2013

     Seriously overdue for an update, I think. Lots to think about, and lots to get done this year. This will be my last planned full year of work, I think. I plan on retiring on my birthday in 2014. So that's not too far off. I am terrified of course that things will go out of control and I won't be able to retire and do something else, but let's not worry about that just now.

     I have been taking stock of my highlights of 2012. I don't have a great deal to say. Much of 2012 was taken up with my darling daughter living here and her 2 kids here alot. That pretty much blocks everything else. We had a few spectacular camping trips including with both kids and grandkids over the 4th at Suttle Lake.

     I completed one grand sewing project in 2 days. This wonderful duvet cover-plaid on one side and gold on the other. It turned out quite well.
     I completed a few knitting projects. Socks in January for Gary which he wore out immediately and pronounced that he would stick with Smart Wool. I am a failure at knitting for him so far. I also knitted a 10-pair mitt commission for Mary as well as 3 bearded hats for Terry's girlfriends great-nephews. They were a hit for Christmas day, I hear. See my Ravelry projects page for photos of them. I also completed a basic raglan cardigan with stripes that needs something. Like a belt and buttons. I have to work on this more. There is no shaping so it's not terribly attractive- looks like a box. Needs a black skirt to go with.
I also made a slouchy beanie for Lavoris's daughter on commission and I made a Twirly Skirt for Trin for Christmas, which she liked but won't wear without a pink Tshirt, she announced. So now that is on my list of things to do. Meantime I have a rash of birthdays coming which require knitted presents. Brian in January, Riley in February, Trin in March, Liam in April.And I can't remember when Lily's is.
     Thankfully Joann's Fabrics is having a yarn blow out. Although I was there last week and they were well picked over, it's worth going back and looking at the yarns that are now 50 % off (and I have a coupon for an additional 25% off the total purchase).

     I didn't get one thing produced for the Ravhellenic games which were renamed after Ravelry was sent a threatening letter from the US Olympic Committee chastising them for using the Olympics word without permission. Ridiculous. But apparently the word "olympic" is owned exclusively by the IOC. But I got a lot of knitting done. So if I would just redirect my knitting at that time, I should be good. Next time they occur, though, I will be participating and completing something for goodness sake. I have also lost touch with my Ravelry pals in my Oddballs group. Since November! What craziness.

     I did acquire some new guilty pleasures (addictions) this last year. I am addicted to Words With Friends on Facebook. Play at least a little every day with Erin, Stacy and Steve.
I have become completely addicted to Downtown Abbey. I haven't even ever seen the first season, but I have watched all the 2nd season and I am excited to to see #3 which starts tonight I think...

     Bad habits I worked on in 2012: I gave up eating ice cream every night and Greek yogurt every morning. Now I only allow one OR the other, and sometimes try to skip the yogurt. It is THAT good, especially this: Zoi Honey Greek Yogurt
I have also made an attempt to cut back on the amount of sugar I use in my beverages. I think sugar is like any other addiction, you need more and more of it to produce the same effect. I was putting 3 and 4 teaspoons of sugar in a big mug of coffee or tea. I have cut back to the "normal" 2.  Otherwise I don't think I accomplished much of my previous New Years resolutions.

Resolutions for 2013: 
  1. Write in my journal daily
  2. Knit 3 sweaters for myself this year
  3. Make an art project a month
  4. Complete a sewing project a month
  5. Exercise 5 days a week
  6. Join a knitting group
  7. Take a class each quarter on a topic of interest: fitness, art, sewing or even for-credit course
  8. I resolve to NOT take on any more knitting commissions until I retire, and if I do, to charge the going rate, which is 2 x the cost of materials (as opposed to figuring an hourly rate). I simply have to get the guts to charge for my time. I have found that knitting by commission in my limited knitting time turns it into a chore. I am not so much a process knitter as a product knitter and I get cranky when I have to do them under a deadline, etc. Takes the fun out!
  9. Hmmm now that I think of it, I should probably bother to "monetize" my Google blog. 
  10. Read a book a month. That is the hardest, because I cannot read and knit at the same time. I am going to have to substitute books on tape for part of this. Some people claim this isn't the same. Maybe it isn't but its a good way to absorb the books while doing something with your hands that you love.
Wow. Ambitious list. So we are almost one week into the New Year. Let's see how I am doing so far? Considering I have been sick since Thursday, not too terrible.

1. Journaling. I have failed completely to do this.  But starting today, I won't be skipping anymore- so no points. However, I have decided that blog entries count for journal entries too, so this gets 1 pt.
2. I have begun a top-down sweater, Wendy Bernard's pattern  from Custom Knits
My Ingenue . I'm about 1/4 done. The collar is finished and I am almost done with the increases. I guess separating the sleeves is next. So that's 1 point.
3. Make an art project? I still have 3 weeks to get on this. I did get books about painting to get my mind thinking about it again. So I give myself 1/2 a point for at least planning. I still have 3 weeks to finish this goal on time.
4. Sewing. I have 2 projects that are half finished and several projects to alter/convert to something else. What I want, of course, is fabric to make new stuff! To that goal, I have downloaded Joann's electronic coupon for 25% off the entire purchase. So that's 1/2 point.
5. Exercise 5 days a week. I have not achieved this. I have exercised 1 time this week while sick. So I give myself 1 pt for that, knowing I should have 5 for the week.
6. Join a knitting group. I still need to work on this one, Technically, I have all year to get this started. I just have a huge social anxiety around this, I don't know why.
7. Take a class...I have not registered for any classes yet. i want to start with sewing classes. There is an open sewing space that you can join for free, somewhere in Portland, I shall have to research this again. There is always Monticello Sewing Center for classes too...Kind of spendy but probably worth it. No points yet. Or I will register for a low cost non-credit course at PCC for the spring semester.

Well there you have it. I had more resolutions but threw them out, because they are totally not achievable, and I have so thoroughly blocked them I can't even remember what they were. ;p  My 7 above are totally achievable. Now I just need to get on them.
So many projects, so little time.