I need, nay, want to get something really done today for me. But as it is, I am going to do the have-tos. Outside my window is a rather pompous raven picking through the fallen maple leaves looking for a tasty bit. Every now and then he appears to look in my window- he is about eye level with me since I am half below ground level here. I wonder if he is a descendent of Poe's infamous Raven. Or not. He finally walked away.
Ravens are rather unnerving in general. First of all they seem perfectly happy to walk about rather than fly, if what they are doing is on the ground. Most birds hop or flutter about.
Secondly, ravens will actually flock together and attack eagles and other raptors. Now I am sure from the ravens' point of view, they are defending themselves, their young, their territory.
But when you walk toward a raven on the ground, they do not go away. They are brazen and unafraid and will at most fly to the nearest low branch and scold you loudly. They are intimadating. When you add this to the fact that they will try to attack a much larger and possibly more noble bird, no wonder they are a little scary.
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