Today was busy and crazy, but in a self-imposed way. I started by running back and forth through the house, beginning bread by setting things out and leaving the yeast to proof; tearing into my craft room and getting caught up on Facebook and by that I mean caught, not up-to-date; running back and discovering the poofy yeast mixture had been sitting for 20 minutes.
I dropped everything else and actually finished making the dough and set it to raise. And good for me, this time I remembered to put the salt in. Then I cleaned the kitchen , scrubbing, putting away, organizing, throwing out. Ran back to the craft room, tried to find something to listen to on the computer while sewing and darnit I ended up on Facebook again, then noticed my computer was running strangely slow. So then I
wasted spent 2 hours troubleshooting and finally said "To Hell With This". So then I switched over to Google from Firefox again. Running much faster now, but had to log into everything again, reset my Google password, found out the email address wasn't right, struggled to get that corrected and meantime verifying and re-verifying I am me etc...
Now the bread is finished, the first loaf 1/3 consumed, I have had enough iced tea to drown a horse, and I still do not have my craft room straightened. But I did pick up all the fabric scraps that were on the floor so it looks a little better. What is my point? I don't know that I have one. Oh wait, Yes I do, and it is simply that my addiction to electronics is causing me to lose focus. I feel strange and excited and breathless: time is wasting, and I realized there are still so many little things I want to do with my time, just tiny things like finish a short story and make a new painting and maybe go to the beach again. And start doing something for other people. More on that last, later. But you can't do any of that if you are wasting time on Facebook, or your cell phone texting, or playing games.
If I want to craft, or create I have to do it. I have to face the blank canvas, the empty page, the uncut fabric. To this end, I am going on a Facebook diet. People may miss me, they can get over it.

I have to discipline myself if I really want to seriously create, such as writing and painting. I need to come in this little room here, which I am very lucky to have, and actually get to work.
I have done a few good things today. I did make bread, I did write in my journal for 3 pages! I did catch up on Pinterest and fix my Google setup. I am making dinner, even as we speak, and I cleaned the kitchen. Now I need to follow my heart and get on with my real business. Creating. Crafting. Making things for charity. Maybe selling some stuff. The ideas are all in there, they just need to be teased out. Eliminating unnecessary distractions and time-wasters will make it possible to get something worthwhile accomplished.